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Thursday, 7 April 2011

Stupid people...

It shocks me all the time at how dumb some ppl can be. I just saw a news item about how a group of teens attacked and beat up a 14 yr old girl. They video taped it....and then POSTED it on Facebook! Are you kidding me? Do they realise that the police can and will identify them and have them charged now? It's never ending how stupid ppl are. I certainly don't condone beating someone up, no matter how violent my future rants become lol, but if you're inclined to do this, or any other crime, can you do me a favour please? Can you NOT video it!!! First, it's an insanely stupid thing to do, secondly, you'll not be able to resist posting it and showing off for your friends, thirdly, the police will identify and charge you. You're an idiot if you need to record your crimes. Is your memory that bad that you can't remember kicking the shit out of someone? Or doing a drive by shooting? When I was a kid, a teen, I was an idiot, we all were, even if you think YOU weren't, trust me, you WERE. As stupid as I was tho, it never would have occurred to me to record any of my bad deeds. Neither would it have occurred to any of my friends. The technology was there, I'm not that old lol I have told my kids not to record anything incriminating that they do, and they don't. I'm not an idiot anymore and I know that my kids are gonna fuck up and do stupid things that I NEVER wanna know about, but at least they aren't so dumb as to publish for the world to see, how dumb they really are.

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